How To Become a Software Engineer in Ten Months

The Ultimate Guide

All Hail ActiveRecord!

I have to say, ActiveRecord is my favorite Ruby Gem I’ve learned about thus far. It truly seems like magic is happening under the hood, which is why I understand the need to learn about ORMs without ActiveRecord first. But I’m getting ahead of myself…let’s start at the beginning.

Understanding Join Tables and Relational Databases

Boy, do I love SQL. After 8 grueling weeks of Procedural and Object Oriented Ruby (which was equivalent to quite literally learning a new langauge for me), I finally feel like I am cruising through SQL and databases. I, for one, love data. I’ve always enjoyed working in spreadsheets, collecting data, analyzing data, and using it to solve business problems (no, I am not a data scientist).

My CLI Project!

I can’t believe I’m writing this. I’ve completed my first Flatiron project. I have completed my first CLI application. How did I get here?

Why I decided to study Software Engineering

Over the course of the last few years, my interactions and intermittent collaboration with software engineers have inspired me to pursue programming studies.