How To Become a Software Engineer in Ten Months

The Ultimate Guide

[Flat]Ironing out React-Redux Basics

I can’t believe I’m submitting my final Flatiron project today. It feels like yesterday I was blogging about why I wanted to be a software engineer, and here I am about to begin my job hunting journey. But before the job hunt begins, I must take a moment to bask in the afterglow of my React-Redux project. This project was a lot of fun to work on given the basic minimum requirements and flexibility to really make it our own.

My Love/Hate Relationship With Javascript

Prior to joining this Flatiron cohort, I thought Javascript would be my favorite section. In general, I thought I would enjoy front-end programming more than backend. I didn’t quite anticipate struggling with my understanding of JS as much as I did!

Understanding Associations and Nested Routes in Rails

I believe it was Aristotle who said “The more you know, the more you know you don’t know.” Albeit cheesy, this has remained my mantra throughout my Flatiron experience (as stated in a previous blog post, imposter syndrome, anyone?!) While programming my Rails app, this mantra resounded heavily, particularly as I worked through my associations. I thought I understood the intricacies of associations prior to starting my Rails project. But suddenly, I had to connect my User, YogaClass, Studio, and Student models together, and it made my head spin. I spent 3-4 days just trying to put together the infrastructure of my Rails app via these associations, and amidst that struggle, I gained some clarity. Let’s break it down here:

Making Improvements

I had my Sinatra assessment last week, and it was incredibly helpful talking my application over with someone and understanding where improvements could be made. I have my second assessment tomorrow morning and wanted to take a moment and talk about two of the improvements I made: validations and flash errors.

My Sinatra Project // It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint

“It’s a marathon, not a sprint” has been my mantra as I’ve built my Sinatra project from the ground up. Perhaps this is why I chose to log and track marathon races for my project! I also happent to love running. Behold, the Marathons Sinatra Project. A place where a user can log in (or sign up if you’re a first time user), view an index of marathons, add your own marathons, and edit or delete the marathons you’ve added.